A two sided sign with a graduated light to dark background mounted between poles with 23K gold leaf balls
Carved gold leaf raised panel mounted on pictorial background
Carved gold leaf sign with routed and guilded border
A two sided carved gold leaf sign mounted between two posts for a school in Bethlehem
A two sided free standing sign with carved (incised) and raised letters with 23K gold leaf
Carved gold leaf sign with full color pictoral
Double sided carved gold leaf sign for a church in Thomaston
Carved gold leaf sign with some graphics
4' x 7' carved gold leaf sign for a condo in Meriden
Elaborate window lettering for a shop in Watertown
Dimensional carved sign with raised panel
4' x 8' properety development site sign with map.
Sign with a raised panel graphic on a background with some unusual carved letters
A 12' x 4' carved gold leaf sign mounted on a roof in Woodbury
A 4' x 8' 2-sided sign built-up layers with hand carved gold leaf letters
Click on any photo below to enlarge
Window lettering on store front in Torrington
A Sign of Quality
p.860-274-4828                                              f.860-945-9243